What is Trauma?
Psychological Trauma can be the result of a very distressing or frightening event (s). We feel overwhelmed and our brains cannot make any sense of it.
It is not processed by the information processing system of the brain.
Our brains will store the memory including physical sensations, emotions and beliefs as they were at the time of the trauma.
Sometimes we do not recognise that depression, anxiety or other debilitating mental health issues are the result of a past trauma and we think we should just 'get on with it'.
Traumatic experiences can result in difficulty coping or functioning with everyday life.
We have no idea why we continually feel anxious in some situations. With this we may experience other emotions, physical sensations and negative beliefs - for example "I am a failure".
We may also experience the feeling of being hyper-vigilent or have flashbacks and have no idea why.
For example, if we were in a car crash, our emotion may be fear, our heart is thumping and we think we are going to die. This is not processed by the brain properly and is stored as it was at the time of the crash.
Years later if something triggers this - all these emotions, physical sensations and beliefs are triggered again.
With EMDR therapy, pathology is based on unprocessed memories that are stored intact—so if someone has some negative beliefs or irrational behaviour that’s not the cause but actually the symptom.
With therapy we can explore the reason for this.
I have worked extensively with Trauma and Complex Post Traumatic Stress
I use Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing in conjuction with other therapies including; Compassion Focused Therapy; Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Mindfulness (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy).
What is EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing ?
EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are a result of disturbing life experiences.
Repeated studies demonstrate that by using EMDR Therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference.
It has been extensively researched and proven effective for treatment of Trauma and is one of the Treatments recommended by the World Health Organisation.
Francine Shapiro PHD, developed EMDR in 1989.
EMDR is a strict protocol that is taught to and followed by practitioners all over the world.
The brain's information procssing system is blocked or imbalanced by a trauma and can result in intense suffering.
EMDR removes this block and allows healing to resume.
There are also protocols for pain, addictions, complex bereavement and other mental health issues.
I am a highly skilled practitioner with nearly 40 years experience. I have extremely high standards of care and I am bound by and accountable to the Nursing Midwifery Council Code of Conduct.
I am an EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner
I deliver holistic care with compassion, dignity and respect. My care is with you in mind and is very unique to your personal needs.
I am a caring, effective, kind, flexible and understanding professional who realises the therapeutic relationship is essential to the success of healing.
I am committed and love what I do. I will 'walk the walk' with you.
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